About Physiotherapy

Why Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy has many benefits for all animals, in all stages of life. It can be used post operatively or conservatively in rehabilitation, as maintenance and injury prevention, or to enhance performance. Some of these benefits include;

  • reduced pain and inflammation

  • improved joint range of motion

  • increased proprioception

  • improved stability

  • reduced healing time

  • increased muscle mass

  • increased flexibility

  • improved vascular systems

By empowering owners to take an active role in understanding and managing their animals needs, progress between sessions is maintained long term. Treatments, rehab and exercise plans are unique to each animal to optimise their individual progress. By working alongside vets and other professionals specific conditions can be targeted such as;

  • tendon/ligament injuries

  • osteoarthritis

  • muscle tears or strains

  • joint and associated structure damage (e.g. CCL rupture, elbow/hip dysplasia etc…)

  • neurological conditions

  • overriding dorsal spinous processes (kissing spine)

  • sacroiliac (SI) dysfunction


To start every programme, a thorough veterinary history is gathered, along with a discussion about your concerns and any issues seen, and information shared to give background on the animals day to day life. Then, the animal will be observed statically and dynamically. For horses, and dependent on the case, this may include trotting up, lunging, or a ridden assessment. Next, palpation assessment is completed along with testing joint range of motion, and on occasion pain thresholds are assessed for an objective input. Further neurological and/or orthopaedic tests may be relevant depending on the case. Eden will explain her findings and is happy to answer any questions. Should there be any areas of concern, the animal will be referred back to the vet or other relevant professional.

The findings from this assessment informs a specific and relevant treatment plan that ensures the best outcomes for each animal. At each session the animal will be reassessed to keep the plan up to date and to track any progression or regression seen.

Manual Therapy

Manual Therapy techniques forms the base of every physiotherapy treatment, allowing ‘feel’ to aid in successful treatment outcomes.

These techniques include;

  • Massage

  • Trigger point release

  • Myofascial release

  • TMJ/Hyoid release

  • Range of motion exercises

  • Joint mobilisations and manipulations

  • Stretching

Electrotherapy and other modalities

A range of modalities are used to target specific pathologies.

  • Fascial Edge tool

  • Kinesiology taping

  • Heat therapy

  • Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)

  • Therapeutic Ultrasound

Eden also offers stand-alone electrotherapy treatments for horses and dogs who are in rehabilitation post injury. Please get in contact directly to find out more as pricing will depend on course of treatment required and duration of each session.

Rehabilitation & Remedial Exercise Prescription

Continued intervention is necessary to enhance the results from each session, to help restore movement and function, and develop optimal strength, balance and flexibility. Specific targeted exercises are prescribed, often as part of a rehabilitation plan that suits you and your animal, and may include;

  • rhythmic stabilisations

  • balance exercises

  • groundwork e.g. long-reining

  • pole work

  • active and passive range of motion exercises

  • Dynamic mobilisation exercises

  • stretching

  • proprioceptive exercises

  • transitions

  • lateral work

  • training aids

  • weaves

  • use of gradients and varied surfaces

Additional Equine Services

In order to maintain progress following each treatment, and to forge a connected relationship with your horse, continued interventions are recommended. Therefore, Eden offers a range of services to help you manage your horse’s needs or if you lack time, it may be possible for Eden to work personally with your horse.

  • In-depth supported rehabilitation plans tailored for your horse, with demonstrations and regular check ins

  • Groundwork sessions, with or without owner

  • Polework sessions, with or without owner

  • Ridden session - Eden will ride your horse, whether for rehab or general fitness/targeted training ( Please contact to discuss further)

  • Aqua treadmill and Equusir Box (Via Hascombe Equestrian)

Eden teams up with Hascombe Equestrian to offer additional rehabilitation services separately to the sessions. Please get in contact for more information.


  • Fill in the booking form on the contact page, or email/call Eden directly on 07733403756 / edenvetphysio@gmail.com

  • Physiotherapy sessions are approximately 60 minutes depending on treatment requirements.

    Other sessions vary, please get in contact for more information.

  • Vet consent should be gained before the session and payment made prior to or on the day. The animals should be clean and dry, ready at the time of the appointment as Eden is unable to treat if wet. If at home or at a yard there should be a safe space clear of hazards that the animal is familiarised with.

  • Payment is requested prior to or on the day of the appointment via BACS, cash or by card machine on the day. An invoice is sent on request.

  • Yes, most insurance companies recognise the IRVAP as a professional governing body within the industry, which I am accredited with. Please contact your insurance company directly to find out more.

    Please note that I do not deal with direct claims, you will be required to cover the costs of any treatment with me and I can then provide a receipt of payment which you can use to claim on your insurance.

  • If you let Eden know a week before the appointment no charges will be made. If you inform Eden Within 72-24hrs prior to the session half the cost will be applied. If you fail to inform Eden before 24hrs prior to the session a full charge will be applied as Eden will be unable to fill the space at short notice.

    There is however, unavoidable situations that will be taken into consideration on a case by case basis.

    If your animal is suddenly lame or injured please get in contact, the cost of the booked session will be waived and the animal should go directly into veterinary care.

Get started with Eden, today.